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About Roger

I will be walking over 500 miles, carrying the American Flag and a satchel full of signed Petitions for Redress of Grievances. I invite you to march with me when I reach your town or city.


    I am 48 years old, a husband, and the father of three. I earned a Bachelor in Theater from UCLA. For the past eighteen years, I have been a Game Designer and 3D Artist. In addition, I have worked as a 3D Animation Instructor at Platt College, Mesa Community College, San Diego State University, and at the Digital Animation and Visual Effects School in Orlando, Florida.

Currently, I am developing original games for the Windows market. My company web site is:


  Up until a month ago, the extent of my political activism was attending several Tea Parties and writing political commentary in my obscure blog. But, last month, as I was working on a computer game I am developing, I was listening to the Roger Hedgecock Show. Mr. Hedgecock was relating comments made by various law enforcement officials in California and Chicago regarding their views of the Second Amendment. I found those comments deeply disturbing.

     I went on the Internet to verify the exact comments made, and sure enough, was appalled to learn that a number of governors, mayors, and police chiefs across the country seek to severely restrict our ability to keep and bear arms. In fact, I read comments by Democrats who were no longer just calling for "sensible gun control legislation," but had started calling for confiscation and outright banning of all guns.

     It was while surfing the Net that day that I happened upon the National Day of Resistance web site. It was calling for people to volunteer to organize Pro-Second Amendment rallies throughout the nation. No one had yet signed up to volunteer to organize a rally for San Diego, so I did.

     I do not own a gun. But, I intend to one day, and I expect that right to keep and bear arms to not be infringed. In California, this right is absolutely infringed. And, I intend to do something about that.


   With only three and a half weeks before the day of the event, I made calls, sent out e-mails, and posted on Facebook. I attended a meeting for the San Diego County Republican Party, as well as a meeting with the San Diego County NRA. At these meetings, I met several people who volunteered to participate in my rally. I contacted several other speakers through Facebook and through acquaintances. In all, there were to be six speakers and myself.

     After sending a number of e-mails and FB messages to different talk radio hosts, including to Roger Hedgecock and his producer, I received a call inviting me to speak on Mr. Hedgecock's show about the rally. Because of this, a number of people heard about the event and immediately called.

     On the day of the rally, over 400 patriots showed up. One newspaper reporter and two television reporters also showed up, despite my not directly notifying the media. The rally turned out great because of the informative and stirring speeches given; and, because of the enthusiasm of attendees to do something!


    As I was organizing the rally, I realized that holding that event was not going to be enough. In order for something substantive to happen, I would have to do something more. Something big, like taking to the streets and demonstrating my commitment to retaining my rights. I thought of organizing a march on City Hall, but that was not much more than holding a rally. That is when I came up with the idea of marching on the state capitol. Except I would do so from here in San Diego.

     I thought about this for two weeks. I wanted to make sure I was doing this for the right reasons, and that I could complete the journey. I prayed every night. Once I decided that I was committed to this course of action, I told my family, and then announced the march at the rally. Since then, I have been planning my itinerary, reaching out to people for sponsorship and for participation in this month and a half long event.


     I am not in good physical condition. I have been sitting behind a computer for the past eighteen years. Consequently, I contracted Type II Diabetes. In fact, I lived with the effects of Diabetes for ten years before I was finally diagnosed as having it. By that time, my vision was impaired, I was chronically fatigued, I was severely depressed, and my hands and feet burned as a result of nerve damage. I was a mess.

     For the past two years, I have been taking insulin and other medicine. The hand and foot pain caused by neuropathy has subsided, and I feel a lot more energy. But, I realize that I am physically ill-prepared for such a long walk. So, I have started doing non-stop five-mile walks every day. I am on a sensible diet, and hope to lose 20 lbs by the day I leave.

     I am also doing strength training and stretching. And, I am praying. A lot. I hope my feet will be capable of cashing the figurative check my mouth wrote at the rally. But it is exactly because of my condition that I want to do the march. I want everyone to know that I am willing to withstand any amount of pain in order to fight for my rights.

     I am going to undertake this march sooner rather than later, because the time to act is now.


     On April 15, 2013 (Tax Day!), I will lead marches from San Diego to Sacramento, for our rights and liberty. I will be carrying the American Flag, and wearing a satchel that will carry signed Petitions of Redress of Grievances that I will collect from people I meet. This petition will be available from the download link below, on April 5th.

     As I walk, I will invite anyone who supports my cause to join me on the march for as far as they can; be it one step, one block, one mile, or one city. I want them to celebrate America and the Constitution, and to prove to our politicians that We the People possess the political will to fight unconstitutional legislation.

     Once I reach the state capitol in Sacramento, I will hold a press conference. I will read the grievances listed there in, as well as the demands. The language of the document will be simple and clear. I will then issue a call-to-action to my fellow Americans. Once I have done this, I will return home and rest. And contemplate the next step in our fight for freedom.

     Please consider becoming a part of this fight. Please tell your friends and family about this march. If I march through your city, get as many people as you can to march with me. Call your local media and tell them to cover my progress. And, donate. This trip, and the related events that I want to get organized along the travel route, will require funding.

     Thank you for your interest and, hopefully, your participation.

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